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UK Society for Biomaterials 2019

The first joint conference of the TCES and the UKSB will be held at the University of Nottingham between 11-13 June 2019.

University of Nottingham, UK: 11-13 June 2019

Full Programme available to download here

The first joint conference of the Tissue and Cell Engineering Society and the UK Society for Biomaterials will be held at the East Midlands Conference Centre, situated on the scenic University of Nottingham campus in the Midlands, UK.

Chair: Dr Lisa White

Any enquiries contact:

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Gloria Young UKSB 2017

I am a second year PhD student at Imperial College London, researching hybrid materials for use in cartilage replacement applications. Receiving a travel award from UKSB allowed me to attend the ESB 2017 conference in Athens and to give a presentation of my work. This was the first presentation I had given outside of my home university, and as such was a great experience in building confidence in communicating science and speaking in front of an international audience. ESB represented an important opportunity for discussing and developing my research with other researchers from a range of backgrounds and with a huge variety of expertise in the field of biomaterials. The feedback and scrutiny my work received has been a stepping-stone in developing the project into the final year of my PhD. Additionally, as a result of a meeting at the conference I have begun a short secondment in Chile, an amazing opportunity which would not have been possible without attending ESB.

Gloria Young, Imperial College London. October 2017 

Banner caption: S1813 structured chemical patterning x10 enhanced (James Kinsella)
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