Dr Tanveer Tabish

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Dr. Tanveer A. Tabish is British Heart Foundation (BHF) Advanced Fellow and Principal Investigator in Nanomedicine at the Radcliffe Department of Medicine and Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. He has previously held research positions at the Imperial College London, University College London, and University of Exeter. He spent almost 8 years in biomaterials, nanomedicines and bionanophotonics, leading teams developing novel diagnostic (linear and nonlinear optical) and therapeutic (photodynamic, photothermal and medical gas therapies) techniques that advance analytical capabilities and therapeutic interventions for drug discovery and nanomedicines development.

Tanveer has made major scientific breakthroughs and significant contributions to the development of graphene-based anti-cancer nanomedicine, and he has extensive experience in pre-clinical translation of novel nanomaterials of different sizes and shapes for disease diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. He interweaves the scientific fields of nanomedicince, biomaterials, tissue engineering, bioengineering, and biochemistry to develop ‘personalised’ solutions based on light-mediated therapeutic modalities that utilise nanotechnology in treating many diseases such as cancer, wound healing, cardiovascular diseases, and central nervous system disorders.

He has published over 55 research papers in high impact-factor peer reviewed scientific journals and filed one patent. Tanveer has also delivered over 10 invited lectures at many different international conferences and meetings worldwide, particularly in the USA (major recent meeting include: MS&T). He has secured over three quarter of a million pounds in research funding to support his cutting edge and novel programme of research.