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British Society for Matrix Biology, Spring Meeting, 14th-15th April 2025

The British Society for Matrix Biology (BSMB) is holding their spring meeting in Nottingham on the 14th and 15th of April in 2025 on the University Park Campus. The meeting will include a diverse range of national and international speakers will present their recent research on “Extracellular matrix, immunity and infection””, and in associated matrix research.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Prof Judith Allen (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Prof Janet Lee (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
  • Prof Kristian Riesbeck (Lund University, Sweden)
  • Dr Giampiero Pietrocola (University of Pavia, Italy)
  • Prof Tracey Hussell (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Prof Charles Frevert (University of Washington in Seattle, USA)
  • Dr Helene Moreau (Institut Curie, France)
  • Prof Oliver Fackler (University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany)
  • Prof Anna Blom (Lund University, Sweden)
  • Prof Luisa Martinez-Pomares (University of Nottingham, UK)

Registration and abstract submission for oral and poster presentations will open on 1st January 2025. In the meantime, please keep an eye on the BSMB and meeting websites for updates, and to find more information about the event, including venue, accommodation, travel and meeting schedule.

Finally, consider becoming a member of the BSMB, if you aren’t already, to enjoy discounted registration fee and qualify for relevant bursaries if you are an early career researcher.

Please contact Dr Anna M. Piccinini, University of Nottingham ( if you have any queries.

Excellent upcoming meeting!

As part of an Horizon Europe funded project SUPRALIFE – – at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, counting on Bert Meijer and Patricia Dankers (TU/e, the Netherlands) and Sébastien Lecommandoux (University of Bordeaux, France) as partners. This project is mostly focused on the organization of events aiming at fostering the exchange of knowledge in the field with a small part devoted to research itself. In brief, the project aims to rationally design and develop advanced supramolecular multifunctional biomaterials for healthcare

The project has already hosted two very successful events: 1st school, 2nd school – and are now organizing the third school under the theme ‘Supramolecular Multifunctional Biomaterials’ which will take place in Aveiro from 9-14 March 2025. Similar to the first and second schools, the third school will include a scientific program from 9-11 March 2025, which will include time slots for non-invited contributed abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Abstract submission is open until November 15.

The next meeting will also include a soft transferable skills’ program from 12-14 March 2025 mostly focusing on the personal and professional development of students and ECR. This year we aim to cover topics such as leadership, entrepreneurship, networking & career enrichment, the importance of volunteering to advance your career, among others.

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Early Career Forum – opportunity to have your say

Are you interested in joining the UKSB ECF committee? Are there topics you would like covered as part of a series of early career workshops?

Our focus is to represent the interests of the younger members of the UKSB by promoting scientific/social events, sponsoring national/international conferences, and advertising work/research/faculty positions. All non-faculty UKSB members can join the UKSB – ECF without additional fees; eligible scientists automatically join the UKSB – ECF as members of the UKSB. All UKSB members are encouraged to raise awareness of ECF to new eligible members (e.g., students, postdocs., fellows, etc).

We are committed to promoting education and training in the biomaterials field at national and international level, to provide a forum for discussion, communication, and collaboration between the ECF members, to organize meetings, workshop, and events related to biomaterials, and to advertise academic and industrial positions and possibilities for ECF members.

Please fill in the form below to join and to give your thoughts on topics organised.

Industry survey

The UKSB is seeking feedback from industry so that we can strengthen links between academia and industry. If you are an industry member then we would be extremely grateful if you could complete our survey using the link below, and we would welcome all members to reach out to any contacts within biomaterials industries and ask them to take a moment to have their say.

Senior Lecturer/Professor in Tissue Engineering/Biomaterials

The University of Sheffield is seeking to appoint a senior academic with expertise in skeletal and/or connective tissue engineering to join a thriving and diverse team in the School of Clinical Dentistry at the University of Sheffield ( The ideal candidate will be a talented and enthusiastic team member ready to support the delivery of undergraduate teaching and postgraduate programmes and conduct internationally competitive research including high-quality PGR supervision.

Key information:

  • Faculty: Health
  • Department: School of Clinical Dentistry
  • Closing date: 29th July 2024

For more information please click on the following link to see the job description:

PhD Opportunity @ Liverpool

A 3D-Printed Blood-Brain-Barrier-on-a-Chip for Agrochemical Permeability Studies – CASE Studentship

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) tightly regulates the flow of material between the bloodstream and the brain. One of the big problems faced by a range of sectors, from pharmaceuticals to agrochemicals, is understanding how compounds interact with and cross this barrier. One approach to solving this problem is to design model systems that reproduce the behaviour of the BBB in a lab.

Throughout the project, you will work in close collaboration with our industrial partner, Syngenta, to study how agrochemicals interact with your model BBB, enabling you to develop a tool for future interrogation of neuropathy, inflammation and axonal degeneration. With 59,000 employees in more than 100 countries, the Syngenta Group is a leading technology company for sustainable agricultural innovation. Syngenta’s mission is to offer large and small farming businesses the tools to address a wide range of challenges associated with crop productivity and health, to manage the effects of climate change and to help preserve biodiversity. Ultimately, innovations from Syngenta Group’s crop protection and seeds divisions help farmers to ensure sustainable food, feed, fiber and fuel production.

Click here for more details, or email directly to Dr Joe Forth or Dr David Dickens.

Banner caption: SHY-SY5Y vs something (Jordan Roe)
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