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Research Assistant/Research Fellow at UCL

In collaboration with the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH), the UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Sciences, were awarded an ORUK Translation grant to investigate novel non-ionising MRI imaging technique and accelerate the diagnosis and pre-operative planning and development placement of screw guides in scoliosis surgery using latest generation Machine Learning techniques. The objective is to significantly reduce radiation exposure for young patient groups and improve accuracy and safety of spinal surgery.

The project is at pre-clinical stage and will progress to clinical trial following this study.

The post holder will work on a strategic series of experiments that will form the basis for the development and optimisation of the device design based on pre-operative CT and MRI scans and generate qualitative and quantitative data based on human cadaveric study. This will ensure device is ready for first in human trial during length of the project.

The main purpose of the position is development and optimisation 1) protocol for bone imaging technique with CT imaging. 2) Device design based on pre-operative CT and MRI imaging and generate qualitative and quantitative data based on patients’ data alongside validation in cadaveric study. 3) prepare QMS and clinical approval documents for clinical trial.  

This post is funded until 14th April 2023 in the first instance.

See website here for more details and to apply.

Banner caption: Phase contrast microscopy of SHSY in collagen gel
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