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UKSB Sponsored Lab-2-Lab Awards

It’s been too long since we’ve not felt free to go to physical conferences, to go and work collaboratively in other labs, to learn new skills, share ideas and drive proof-of-concept biomaterials advances across a number of research groups. You might be thinking to start a new inititive. You might have been talking over the past months about some work you want to do with a colleague or PhD student from another group. Check out the UKSB Lab-2-Lab Scheme.

This award is open to all UKSB members facilitating interactions between 2 or more labs to support the development of new collaborations. The application process is simple, with a batching date coming up soon.

Check out our Prizes and Awards page to find out more.

Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis – batching dates are 1st Jan and 1st August. The UKSB council may consider awards submitted between these dates as appropriate.

Banner caption: S1813 structured chemical patterning x10 enhanced (James Kinsella)
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