ETPN / HT4EU Alliance match-making event on IHI calls 3 & 4 on Nov. 25. Register for free
Dear colleagues,
the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is about to launch its 3rd & 4th calls for proposals (see details here).
We would like to draw your attention in particular to call #3 Topic 4: “Strengthening the European ecosystem for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) and other innovative therapeutic modalities for rare diseases”. This is a unique opportunity of funding for nanomedicine innovative projects, and we therefore want to strongly mobilize the whole European Nanomedicine & HealthTech community to address it.
Therefore, the ETPN will organize an online matchmaking event for its members on Friday November 25, at 4PM (CET).
- This event will help you to get ready 2 weeks before the official IHI info day brokerage dedicated to this topic on Dec. 13 (info here).
- The members of the HealthTech4EU Alliance are invited to enrich the discussions & future consortia.
- FREE BUT MANDATORY REGISTRATION for the ETPN matchmaking event on “ATMPs for rare diseases”: BY CLICKING HERE.
- Deadline to register: Nov. 24, 2022 at 5PM (CET)
- You may send additional documents regarding your projects ideas and/or offers of collaboration for the call on ATMPs for rare diseases on this shared folder.
During the registration process on Zoom events, you will be asked to fill-in a short form that will allow us to collect in advance your expression of interest in the Call #3 topic #4 & the other various upcoming calls, and hence organize the most efficient and useful online brokerage session for you.

We are convinced that the rich community of ETPN & HT4EU members can help you to prepare stronger consortia, matching the industry needs, with unique cross-tech solutions coming from the 7 European Technology Organizations united in HT4EU. Our goal is therefore to offer you to the opportunity to:
1. virtually meet with new potential partners in advance,
2. learn more about the IHI calls & their process for application
3. start expressing your interest in getting involved in common proposals answering these calls, in particular Call 3 Topic 4 on ATMPs for rare diseases.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: the official launching of the 3rd and 4th IHI calls for proposals is about to happen by December 2022. Therefore, the information provided in this form is still tentative and is prone to potential changes in the coming weeks. Please always refer to the official information provided by IHI:
ABOUT HealthTech4EU Alliance
HealthTech4EU Alliance is the 1st cross-technology platform for healthcare in Europe. It unites 7 European technology organisations (ETOs) – namely, Photonics21, EPoSS, DIH HERO, EUMAT, ESB, ETP Textiles, and ETPN – ranging from photonics, electronics, robotics, advanced (bio)materials, textiles, to nanomedicine, to think about, co-develop and implement cross-technology solutions needed for the personalized, preventive, and digitized precision medicine of the future.
Visit our website:
We thank you very much for your active participation in this initiative of the ETPN & HT4EU Alliance!
Any questions? Please contact us at any time :