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Excellent upcoming meeting!

As part of an Horizon Europe funded project SUPRALIFE – – at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, counting on Bert Meijer and Patricia Dankers (TU/e, the Netherlands) and Sébastien Lecommandoux (University of Bordeaux, France) as partners. This project is mostly focused on the organization of events aiming at fostering the exchange of knowledge in the field with a small part devoted to research itself. In brief, the project aims to rationally design and develop advanced supramolecular multifunctional biomaterials for healthcare

The project has already hosted two very successful events: 1st school, 2nd school – and are now organizing the third school under the theme ‘Supramolecular Multifunctional Biomaterials’ which will take place in Aveiro from 9-14 March 2025. Similar to the first and second schools, the third school will include a scientific program from 9-11 March 2025, which will include time slots for non-invited contributed abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Abstract submission is open until November 15.

The next meeting will also include a soft transferable skills’ program from 12-14 March 2025 mostly focusing on the personal and professional development of students and ECR. This year we aim to cover topics such as leadership, entrepreneurship, networking & career enrichment, the importance of volunteering to advance your career, among others.

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Banner caption: Sh-sy5y on half-etched PKSPMA multi 1
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