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World Biomaterials Congress

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Statement

Following the recent developments in the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation, we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the 11th World Biomaterials Congress which was due to take place in Glasgow on 19 – 24 May 2020.

The UKSB will be holding a special meeting within the World Congress and are proud to be a part of, and support the international conference.

As demands on the health service will increase significantly over the next few months, and the UK government has recently recommended social distancing and restricting travel we do not feel it is appropriate for us to run large-scale events. Our congress brings together professionals from all around the world, and our Board of Trustees is keen to avoid the risk of transmission to our delegates. 

The congress will now take place from 11 – 16 December 2020 remaining at the SEC in Glasgow and we will automatically be moving the current programme over to the December schedule and hope that you are available to attend at this time.

If you are taking part in this congress we will be in touch with further details soon.

WBC Conference Secretariat

Banner caption: Air dried collagen (Danial Merryweather)
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